Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Texas A&M Jazz Ensemble

On Sunday night the Texas A&M University Jazz Ensembles held a free concert at Christ's United Methodist Church. I have always enjoyed listening to jazz, but never really got into actually looking for and downloading music to listen to in my own time. The only time I really listen to it is when it's on a radio station that I happen to switch to, but I'm usually more focused on other genres. I attended this concert for a music class I am enrolled in, and have to say it was the best concert I have ever been forced to attend and better than some I went to by choice. The ensemble played a variety of jazz pieces from some very respectable artists; artists like Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie and Gordon Goodwin. There was a good amount of solos that really displayed some of the performers' talents. Best of all, it was FREE! Bottom line, I would definitely go see another TAMU Jazz Ensemble concert, even if they charged a small fee.

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