Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The Britain based band Gorillaz recently released their third studio album, Plastic Beach. I have never really gotten into Gorillaz, but have enjoyed their unmistakable style and the inability to label them into a single genre of music. I was very anxious to see what Plastic Beach was all about, since it had some pretty high expectations with a large time gap since their last release. At first listen, I was quite pleased with the majority of the songs. Track number five, "Stylo," was given some radio time and a music video popped up on YouTube. After several rides in my car with the windows down, I have to say my favorite track is "Empire Ants." This song starts out soft, slow, monophonic and very melodic. Around the half way point, the beat and synthesizer kicks in and takes it to a level of an awesome dance tune. I find myself constantly replaying it, along with most of the other songs on the CD. Plastic Beach is quite a success from Gorillaz, just as I had expected. Gorillaz is playing at Coachella Music Festival in California this summer, which I would definitely be attending if the price and location weren't so ridiculous. Check out Plastic Beach, along with more stuff from Gorillaz, especially "Empire Ants!"

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